We all know that eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly are important to staying healthy, but sometimes we forget that our oral health plays a big role in our overall health. As the window to your entire body, your mouth can reveal a lot of information about you, and not just how well you brush and how often you floss your teeth. By examining your teeth and mouth, your dentist can identify not only tooth decay or gum disease, but may also detect health issues that, could otherwise, be overlooked.
Do you suffer from chronic headaches? Chances are, you may be one of the many people who clench or grind their teeth during sleep, known as “bruxism”, which can lead to headaches, jaw and neck pain and chipped or damaged teeth. Dentists can often provide patients with immediate relief by prescribing comfortable, custom oral appliances that protect the teeth and alleviate pressure on the jaw.
Have you ever been told that you have bad breath? You are not alone. Even those of us who practice great oral hygiene may have occasional “halitosis”, or bad breath. Your dentist can help you identify the cause of your malodorous mouth, which could be caused by a sinus infection, tonsils, bronchitis, gastric reflux, or even cancer. Chronic bad breath not only affects personal and work relationships, but can also be an indication of a serious health problem.
Dietary issues often make themselves known by the condition of your teeth, gums and tongue. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can directly affect overall oral health by causing gums to bleed easily, infections, slow healing, tissue sloughing, burning tongue syndrome, or sores in the corner of the mouth. Patients with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia frequently suffer from dental and oral complications. Dentists and dental hygienists are trained to recognize and compassionately address the concerns of patients with dietary issues.
When you visit your dentist, you are taking an important step in ensuring excellent health for your teeth and your entire body. Regular dental check-ups and professional teeth cleaning should be part of everyone’s health routine. By visiting your dentist at least every 6 months, many potential health problems can be caught early, or better yet, avoided all together. Here’s to your good health!